2006 Wilson County (TN) Fair

I went to the Wilson County Fair one week after the Williamson Co. Fair. Each fair had things it was better at. The Wilson County Fair had a bigger Midway with more rides (which meant shorter lines) as well as more animals. On the other hand, I think the Williamson Co. Fair had better entertainment. Click on any of the following pictures to enlarge.
This fair had more rides Including three Ferris Wheels. I have a blurred shot and a still shot of each:

In that last Ferris wheel, I got an unusual look. It had chaser lights that worked from the inside to the outside, and looked perfect in the first view, but I was never able to repeat the effect from a better vantage point.
Here is the Wave Swinger (similar to the Tennessee Waltz for you Opryland fans). In the blurred shot, you can barely see the blurred bodies swing by. (The Zipper is in the background.)

Apparently, a long exposure shot of a carousel causes all of the riders and wooden animals they sit on to disappear.

There were plenty of kiddie rides, such as the dragon coaster on the left. On the right, a young girl walks across an enclosed swinging bridge.

There were nightly fireworks, which nobody around me stopped to watch. But that's ok since they really weren't worth stopping to see. They shot of 1 or 2 at a time for about 10 minutes. This photo was not a grand finale, just a 15 second exposure.

The pig races seem to be from the same group that was at the Williamson County Fair. There were five races: Pigs, goats, young pigs, ducks and pot-bellied pigs.

The people from 4H had a booth and a pig of their own:

The Circle C people, in addition to the Pig Races sponsored the petting zoo:

The Kangaroo was behind a second fence and could not be petted. They also had a zebra and a porcupine like this. You could pet goats and alpacas.
These next three were in the Rabbit barn. The first was a "long-eared rabbit" whose ears rested on the bottom of the cage.

Connected to the Rabbit barn was the poultry barn which also included ducks, geese, turkeys and a colorful pheasant

In the Frontier Village, which is a permanent display of old buildings, is "Horse-made Ice Cream." This was one of the horses which was at rest at the time I took this picture.

When I went past the livestock arena, goats were being judged. They know how to sleep cute.

Finally, the blue ribbon potato was the biggest I had ever seen: