selling products to lottery enthusiasts
I firmly believe this statement:
"The Lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math."
Since the state government runs the lottery, the government would therefore be the ones taking advantage of people. (But, they do that anyway.) However, if there are people to be taken advantage of, there will be more charlatans who step to the table and offer their advantage-taking services.
So, I stumbled across this book:

Apparently, there's a simpleton market out there for this kind of product.
Right now, I suppose someone could be reading my blog post and are thinking to themselves, "I could use a book like this! But why did the man who wrote this blog call me a simpleton?"
Let me spell it out for you. The Lottery is a game of chance, where numbers are picked at random. It's impossible to know in advance what numbers are going to come up, there is no formula that can be devised which will predict these numbers with any accuracy.
A player buying a $1 ticket has a 1 in 146,107,962 chance of matching the exact six numbers needed to win the Powerball jackpot.
If you use the formula outlined in this book, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962.
If you pick the numbers using a dartboard, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962.
If you pick the numbers by throwing ping pong balls off a roof, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962.
If you pick the numbers by writing a computer program to pick the numbers for you, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962, and you should consider getting a job as a computer programmer.
If you pick the numbers with the assistance of a baby chimpanzee, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962.
As a frame of reference:
Odds of dying from contact with hot tap water: 1 in 5,005,564
Odds of dying from ignition or melting of nightwear: 1 in 30,589,556
Still don't believe me? Good! I have a secret. The lottery isn't really random, they just fake all of that randomness. There really is a formula for predicting the lottery. It's a heavily guarded secret managed by the Illuminati and the Knights of the Templar and the Jews and the Masons and the lizard people, and I have learned the secret! Send me an email, and for $20, I'll tell you the next winning lottery number.
Need proof? Read this testimonial:
"I didn't think Brent's method would work, but I had nothing to lose. I paid Brent the $20, and 5 minutes later he emailed me back the powerball numbers to try. Now, I'm a Multimillionaire! Thanks, Brent! :)"
-Loretta from Bucksnort, TN
Need more proof? Read this testimonial:
"I also didn't think Brent's method would work, but I also had nothing to lose. I also paid Brent the $20, and 5 minutes later he also emailed me back the powerball numbers to try. Now, I'm also a Multimillionaire! Thanks, Brent! :)"
-Phyllis from Bugscuffle, TN
There's all the proof you need. Send me an email, or buy my book, "These are the numbers you, yes you, will win the lottery with!" which is way better than the book above. You can also purchase this in audiobook form, as well as the companion worksheet, computer software. Spend $50 or more from my online store and get a free t-shirt with your winning number on it.
"The Lottery is a tax on people who are bad at math."
Since the state government runs the lottery, the government would therefore be the ones taking advantage of people. (But, they do that anyway.) However, if there are people to be taken advantage of, there will be more charlatans who step to the table and offer their advantage-taking services.
So, I stumbled across this book:

Apparently, there's a simpleton market out there for this kind of product.
Right now, I suppose someone could be reading my blog post and are thinking to themselves, "I could use a book like this! But why did the man who wrote this blog call me a simpleton?"
Let me spell it out for you. The Lottery is a game of chance, where numbers are picked at random. It's impossible to know in advance what numbers are going to come up, there is no formula that can be devised which will predict these numbers with any accuracy.
A player buying a $1 ticket has a 1 in 146,107,962 chance of matching the exact six numbers needed to win the Powerball jackpot.
If you use the formula outlined in this book, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962.
If you pick the numbers using a dartboard, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962.
If you pick the numbers by throwing ping pong balls off a roof, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962.
If you pick the numbers by writing a computer program to pick the numbers for you, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962, and you should consider getting a job as a computer programmer.
If you pick the numbers with the assistance of a baby chimpanzee, your odds will be 1 in 146,107,962.
As a frame of reference:
Odds of dying from contact with hot tap water: 1 in 5,005,564
Odds of dying from ignition or melting of nightwear: 1 in 30,589,556
Still don't believe me? Good! I have a secret. The lottery isn't really random, they just fake all of that randomness. There really is a formula for predicting the lottery. It's a heavily guarded secret managed by the Illuminati and the Knights of the Templar and the Jews and the Masons and the lizard people, and I have learned the secret! Send me an email, and for $20, I'll tell you the next winning lottery number.
Need proof? Read this testimonial:
"I didn't think Brent's method would work, but I had nothing to lose. I paid Brent the $20, and 5 minutes later he emailed me back the powerball numbers to try. Now, I'm a Multimillionaire! Thanks, Brent! :)"
-Loretta from Bucksnort, TN
Need more proof? Read this testimonial:
"I also didn't think Brent's method would work, but I also had nothing to lose. I also paid Brent the $20, and 5 minutes later he also emailed me back the powerball numbers to try. Now, I'm also a Multimillionaire! Thanks, Brent! :)"
-Phyllis from Bugscuffle, TN
There's all the proof you need. Send me an email, or buy my book, "These are the numbers you, yes you, will win the lottery with!" which is way better than the book above. You can also purchase this in audiobook form, as well as the companion worksheet, computer software. Spend $50 or more from my online store and get a free t-shirt with your winning number on it.