Brenternet (The World as seen by Brent Moore)

Trying to appeal to the highest common denominator. I can't give you 110% effort, but I will give you 107.4% effort. If you're a spammer and leave me a comment, I will make fun of you. I use twice as many semicolons compared to most other bloggers

My Photo
Location: Smyrna, Tennessee, United States

As the title implies, I am Brent K. Moore. I married MariLynn Simons on Sept. 25, 1999. we attend Stewart's Creek Church of Christ. We have five pets, a dachshund, Slinkie, a malamute, Juno, and three rabbits, Ebunny and Ifurry, and now Houdini.

Wednesday, July 02, 2014

Demand Account Letter! Oh, Noes!

Just when I thought we had paid every last bill from my wife's two month hospital stay, we get this letter...

(Please take a moment to open this up and look at it at full size. )

Oh Noes! What can I do? What if I start getting calls from debt collectors?

I guess I'm going to have to send them a check for $0.00!

[Side note: The ironic thing is this office sent two different doctors to look at my wife while she was in the ICU and these two doctors strongly disagreed with each other regarding the best course of action. To be fair, she received excellent care from everyone involved.]