The Enviro-Happy Hippy Fortnight
April 20: four-twenty
April 22: Earth Day
April 27: Arbor Day
Now, if you are not familiar with 4/20, stop reading my blog until you can familiarize yourself with this wikipedia article.
With that in mind, I submit for your approval the following bumper stickers and messages which may or may not be appropriate to affirm terra firma. You can tell I care about the Earth because some of my slogans are in blue or green! I changed the text color for the children.

You can Help eliminate Dihydrogen Monoxide!
*Buy one planet at regular price and receive a second planet of equal or lesser value at 50% off. No rain checks.
Want Clean Air? Don't Recycle Paper!
In regards to clear cutting forests...
Don't cut it, Unless you plan to smoke it!
Say no to paper. Say No to plastic.
Only use grocery bags made of leather!
I'm not a vegetarian because I love animals.
I'm a vegetarian because I hate vegetables!
This blog post is sponsored by Al's Energy Star Compliant Hair Dryers. Al says, "It may take you twice as long to dry your hair when you get out of the shower, but your saving the planet!"