Santa to Register Six, Please.
How I spent my Black Friday Vacation 2007
I woke up today hours before the crack of dawn so I could wait in line to be one of the first shoppers in the store and beat others to the incredible sales items. I went to "Everything's a Dollar." This was my first mistake. I went in the store and everything was still a dollar.
Not really. My sleep on an off day is much too precious to be fighting for the best deals. The best deals are the items I can't afford anyway, especially when you have to wait for the rebate to come back. I emerged from the house around noon with no itinerary.
This is the day of the year when all the malls and the retail stores actually have people parking in all those normally unused spaces close to the street. The first stop was K-mart. I would be willing to have the worst parking space at K-mart to shop there. I say this because I have walked to K-mart from my house a couple of times. But, remember, this is K-Mart. They aspire to be WalMart. Plenty of good parking was still available.
As I was walking to the door, a woman was frantically running into the store.
at 12:30 p.m.
Ma'am, I don't know what bargain you're looking to get, but it's probably gone by now.
While there, I did here over the in-store speaker, "Santa to register six, please!"
I bought something not on sale and moved on. I didn't look for the multicultural doll mentioned in my previous blog.
Here are some other random observations from the day:
I was at a used bookstore, and in the computer section was "Macs for Dummies." I really don't know if this should really make me laugh, but Macs are sometimes marketed as the Computers for Dummies. It takes a special breed to not figure out a Mac. If this is you, then you probably don't know which side is up when reading a book. Those people also can't read a blog on the Internet, and therefore aren't offended by this paragraph.
Runner Up:
Lowe's (the home improvement store) Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Health and Medicine. I am not making this up, but I can't remember the specific title so I can't find it online anywhere.
2nd Runner Up:
A book by Michael J. Wolf. I thought that this name just had to be made up to sound like Michael J. Fox, but it is indeed a real name.
Big Lots had a sign on their door: Santa's Favorite Store!
Ha Ha Ha. No it isn't.
Sign says:
In observance of Thanksgiving, our Pharmacy will be closed on Friday, Nov. 23
What they mean:
We need our Pharmacists working the registers.
I bought one Black Friday special. While I was at Best Buy, I realized that our DVD rack at home was noticeably barren of the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." I think ownership of this movie is required for graduation at some Universities.
I saw three kinda strange things all in the same parking lot:

Welcome to White Trash America. I'm Brent and I'll be your tour guide. The words I can read say "Honk if U like BIG RED! 1" on the back. "Courtney wuz Here. (heart shape) ya Bruh!" on the side along with "I Love you Baby"

This adult woman was wearing pink girlie pajamas and a kiddie princess tiara. I'm guessing she got her holidays confused and thought it was the day after Halloween.

"Butt scratcher" written in the car window. I had to wait for this guy to not be looking in my direction. I'm pretty sure this guy could beat me up.
I woke up today hours before the crack of dawn so I could wait in line to be one of the first shoppers in the store and beat others to the incredible sales items. I went to "Everything's a Dollar." This was my first mistake. I went in the store and everything was still a dollar.
Not really. My sleep on an off day is much too precious to be fighting for the best deals. The best deals are the items I can't afford anyway, especially when you have to wait for the rebate to come back. I emerged from the house around noon with no itinerary.
This is the day of the year when all the malls and the retail stores actually have people parking in all those normally unused spaces close to the street. The first stop was K-mart. I would be willing to have the worst parking space at K-mart to shop there. I say this because I have walked to K-mart from my house a couple of times. But, remember, this is K-Mart. They aspire to be WalMart. Plenty of good parking was still available.
As I was walking to the door, a woman was frantically running into the store.
at 12:30 p.m.
Ma'am, I don't know what bargain you're looking to get, but it's probably gone by now.
While there, I did here over the in-store speaker, "Santa to register six, please!"
I bought something not on sale and moved on. I didn't look for the multicultural doll mentioned in my previous blog.
Here are some other random observations from the day:
I was at a used bookstore, and in the computer section was "Macs for Dummies." I really don't know if this should really make me laugh, but Macs are sometimes marketed as the Computers for Dummies. It takes a special breed to not figure out a Mac. If this is you, then you probably don't know which side is up when reading a book. Those people also can't read a blog on the Internet, and therefore aren't offended by this paragraph.
Runner Up:
Lowe's (the home improvement store) Complete Do-It-Yourself Guide to Health and Medicine. I am not making this up, but I can't remember the specific title so I can't find it online anywhere.
2nd Runner Up:
A book by Michael J. Wolf. I thought that this name just had to be made up to sound like Michael J. Fox, but it is indeed a real name.
Big Lots had a sign on their door: Santa's Favorite Store!
Ha Ha Ha. No it isn't.
Sign says:
In observance of Thanksgiving, our Pharmacy will be closed on Friday, Nov. 23
What they mean:
We need our Pharmacists working the registers.
I bought one Black Friday special. While I was at Best Buy, I realized that our DVD rack at home was noticeably barren of the movie "Monty Python and the Holy Grail." I think ownership of this movie is required for graduation at some Universities.
I saw three kinda strange things all in the same parking lot:
Welcome to White Trash America. I'm Brent and I'll be your tour guide. The words I can read say "Honk if U like BIG RED! 1" on the back. "Courtney wuz Here. (heart shape) ya Bruh!" on the side along with "I Love you Baby"
This adult woman was wearing pink girlie pajamas and a kiddie princess tiara. I'm guessing she got her holidays confused and thought it was the day after Halloween.
"Butt scratcher" written in the car window. I had to wait for this guy to not be looking in my direction. I'm pretty sure this guy could beat me up.
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